Apptimized now on MS Azure

Application packaging toolset on Azure Marketplace

Apptimized is pleased to announce that our unique cloud-based application packaging and management solution has been successfully launched on the Microsoft Azure platform.

Setting up the integration between Microsoft & Apptimized

This move further aligns our solution with the suite of Microsoft services available to enterprise customers. Single sign-on is possible using Microsoft account details meaning speed of implementation and user-experience is even further improved. It also means that Apptimized now takes advantage of Microsoft security, privacy, transparency and the most compliance coverage of any cloud provider.

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What do Apptimized stakeholders say:

Apptimized founder and CTO Mathias Baumann commented: “Our mission is to make Apptimized the world’s leading application packaging solution.

“By making Apptimized available on the Azure platform we believe we are a step closer to becoming the only logical application packaging solution choice for Microsoft enterprise customers.”

CEO Henry Jonas added: “This is incredibly exciting. For the first time ever, it is now possible to test, remediate, package and manage line of business applications for Windows 10 and all other platforms on the Microsoft Azure platform.”

Apptimized and software packaging management

Apptimized provides everything needed to test, remediate, package and manage applications in the cloud. No need for hardware or software and no need for any upfront investment. Apptimized requires no volume or throughput commitment and all configuration is carried out free of charge. Only pay for what’s used, when it’s used.

Click here to sign up for of Apptimized on MS Azure.

For further information contact us here or give us a call on +44 (0)1184 050044.

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