Apptimized teams up with testing specialists Testhouse

Apptimized Testhouse

Apptimized is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with leading testing specialists Testhouse.

No-Risk Solution

Apptimized and Testhouse are teaming up to offer a joint testing and packaging solution. The solution gives enterprises a fast and cost-effective end-to-end service designed to remove all the risk from Windows 10 application migration and maintenance.

“With Windows-as-a-Service providing corporate customers with a significant challenge as they understand the impact of six-monthly release cycles on their business, we felt there is a real need for an integrated service combining our world-class packaging capabilities with Testhouse’s expertise,” commented Apptimized CSO, Simon May.

And added

“By combining our industry-leading cloud-based application packaging solution with Testhouse’s testing expertise, we can offer our customers the only truly dedicated end-to-end dedicated application maintenance service.”

Apptimized and Testhouse will be formally launching the partnership at a workshop, ‘Simplifying the path to Windows 10’ being hosted by Microsoft at their offices at 2, Kingdom Street, near Paddington, London, on January 29th at 5pm.

Further details and a registration form will be available here shortly.

For more details contact us via, via the contact form, or give is a call on +44 (0) 1184 050044.

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