Apptimized security announcement

Apptimized Security

Apptimized GDPR compliant

Apptimized is pleased to announce that the security policies and procedures that underpin the Apptimized solution have been reviewed to ensure that they are fully compliant with the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective May 25, 2018.

Apptimized CTO, Mathias Baumann, commented: “The European Union has taken a huge step to protect the fundamental right to privacy for every EU resident.

“EU residents will now have a greater say over what, how, why, where, and when their personal data is used, processed, and disposed. Like every organization that works with EU residents’ personal data in any manner, irrespective of location, we recognise our obligation to protect the data.”

Specifically, our Security policies have been updated to support the following articles:

– Allow users to access and correct errors in their personal data via the Profile (Art. 15 & 16)
– Enable users to erase their personal data by deleting the account (Art. 17, “right to be forgotten”)
– Request export, restriction of processing or can object to processing of personal data at any time by contacting Apptimized support (Art. 18, 20 & 21)

For more information download our updated security statement here: Apptimized_6.0.14_6753f3ca_Security_Statement_042018 or contact us here.

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