Die weltweit häufigsten Applikationen, on-demand paketiert für sofortige Verteilung.
IT Sicherheit Compliance
Softwarehersteller, Analysten und die Community finden regelmäßig Sicherheitslücken in Software, was zu Problemen zwischen IT Sicherheit und Compliance führt. Nachlässigkeiten können sich verheerend auf den Geschäftsbetrieb auswirken und nachträglich hohen Personalaufwand erfordern. Mit Apptimized Catalogue-Paketen schließen Sie Sicherheitslücken zügig und stellen so die Sicherheit und Stabilität Ihrer IT sicher.

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24/7 verfügbare Pakete
Mehr als 200 der weitverbreitetsten Applikationen in 32-bit und 64-bit und einer Vielzahl von Formaten, 100% verteilfertig.
Liste der Anwendungen
Software | Vendor |
aBreevy8 | 16 Software |
SyncBackFree | 2BrightSparks |
3DxWare | 3Dconnexion |
Work | 8x8 |
Work for Outlook | 8x8 |
Wise-FTP | AceBIT |
ActiveBarcode DEU | ActiveBarcode |
Komodo Edit | ActiveState |
AIR | Adobe |
Acrobat Reader (Security Update) | Adobe |
Acrobat Reader DC | Adobe |
Acrobat Reader DC Font Packs | Adobe |
Digital Editions | Adobe |
Flash Player NPAPI | Adobe |
Flash Player PPAPI | Adobe |
PDF iFilter | Adobe |
Shockwave Player | Adobe |
JRE with Hotspot | AdoptOpenJDK |
OpenJDK 14 with Hotspot | AdoptOpenJDK |
Haufe Advolux Kanzleisoftware | Advolux |
1Password | AgileBits |
Airtame | Airtame |
MissionKit Enterprise | Altova |
AWS SAM Command Line Interface | Amazon |
Corretto 11 | Amazon |
Corretto 17 | Amazon |
Corretto 18 | Amazon |
Corretto 19 | Amazon |
Corretto 20 | Amazon |
Corretto 21 | Amazon |
Corretto 8 | Amazon |
Kindle | Amazon |
Kindle Previewer | Amazon |
Workspace Client | Amazon |
Pointofix | Amerigomedia |
Anaconda2 | Anaconda |
Anaconda3 | Anaconda |
Angry IP Scanner | Angry IP Scanner |
JPEG Lossless Rotator | AnnyStudio |
HeidiSQL | Ansgar Becker |
WizTree | Antibody Software |
AnyDesk | AnyDesk |
Ant10 | Apache |
Ant9 | Apache |
Derby | Apache |
Directory Studio | Apache |
Groovy 3 | Apache |
Maven | Apache |
Maven Alpha | Apache |
OpenOffice | Apache |
Qpid Broker J | Apache |
Tomcat 7 | Apache |
AirServer Universal | App Dynamic |
iPhone Configuration Utility | Apple |
iTunes | Apple |
iTunes DEU | Apple |
PatchManagement | Apptimized |
Auto Dark Mode | Armin Osaj and Samuel Schiegg |
AstroGrep | AstroComma |
Companion | Atlassian |
Source Tree | Atlassian |
Atom | Atom |
ActivePresenter | Atomi |
Audacity | Audacity |
AutoHotkey | AutoHotkey |
AutoIT | AutoIt Team |
DWG TrueView | Autodesk |
Design Review | Autodesk |
Download Manager | Autodesk |
Navisworks Freedom | Autodesk |
AvigilonControlCentreClient | Avigilon |
Axcrypt | Axcrypt |
GitKraken | Axosoft |
Zulu OpenJDK11 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK13 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK15 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK17 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK19 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK20 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK21 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK6 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK7 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK8 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJRE21 | Azul |
Addin for Autodesk Navisworks | BIM Track |
Addin for Autodesk Revit | BIM Track |
Addin for Tekla Structures | BIM Track |
Bandicam | |
Bandicut | |
ClickShare Extension Pack | Barco |
Beeftext | Beeftext |
TeXstudio | Benito van der Zander |
Golden | Benthic Software |
Goldsqall | Benthic Software |
Goldview | Benthic Software |
PLEdit | Benthic Software |
BlueJ | BlueJ |
PIXresizer | Bluefive software |
Structorizer | Bob Fisch |
Artweaver Free | Boris Eyrich |
Box Drive | Box |
Box Sync | Box |
Box Tools | Box |
Box for Office | Box |
Vim | Bram Moolenaar |
BL Banking | Business Logics |
Open Workbench | CA |
CamStudio | CamStudio Team |
CDBurnerXP | Canneverbe Limited |
VOSviewer | Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University |
Workstation | Chef |
Bundled VDI Plugin | Cisco |
Cisco Jabber | Cisco |
JVDI Agent | Cisco |
JVDI Client | Cisco |
Proximity | Cisco |
WebEx Meetings | Cisco |
Webex VDI Thin-client Plugin | Cisco |
S4A | Citilab |
Receiver | Citrix |
Virtual Desktop Agent | Citrix |
Workspace | Citrix |
Clevershare | Clevertouch |
Clip2net | Clip2net |
ClipGrab | ClipGrab Project |
WARP | Cloudflare |
ConEmu | ConEmu-Maximus5 |
DebugBar | Core Services |
IETester | Core Services |
CoreFTP Client Lite | CoreFTP |
CoreFTP Client Pro | CoreFTP |
MindManager | Corel |
WinZip | CorelCorporation |
Zotero | Corporation for Digital Scholarship |
LockHunter | Crystal Rich |
KiTTY | Cyril Dupont |
DAX Studio | DAX Studio |
DBeaver | DBeaver |
FleetboardCockpit | DaimlerFleetBoard |
VirtViewer | Daniel P. Berrange |
DbVisualizer | DbVis |
Command Update Classic | Dell |
Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise | Devolutions |
LMMS | DigitalOcean |
eID Middleware | Dioss |
Display Link Graphics Driver | DisplayLink |
Clipboard Manager | Ditto |
Docker for Windows | Docker |
LibreOffice | Document Foundation |
KeePass1 | Dominik Reichl |
KeePass2 | Dominik Reichl |
Notepad++ | Don Ho |
Notepad++ DEU | Don Ho |
Double Commander | Double Commander |
Dropbox | Dropbox |
ImageGlass | Duong Dieu Phap |
EPOS Connect | EPOS |
Safe Exam Browser | ETH Zuerich |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 11 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 16 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 17 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 18 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 19 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 8 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 11 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 17 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 8 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Node Version Manager | Ecor Ventures |
Desktop App | Egnyte |
Virtual CloneDrive | Elaborate Bytes |
Elster Formular | Elster |
Java Decompiler GUI | Emmanuel Dupuy |
Enpass | Enpass Technologies |
WinmailOpener | Eolsoft |
WinmailOpener DEU | Eolsoft |
Eraser | Eraser Project |
Evernote | Evernote |
Cloud Signature Update Agent | Exclaimer |
ffmpeg | Fabrice Bellard |
Advanced IP Scanner | Famatech |
FastStone Capture | FastStone |
Photo Resizer | FastStone |
ProjectLibre | Fenix Projektconsulting |
Flameshot | Flameshot |
VSDCFreeVideoEditor | FlashIntegro |
PDF Reader | Foxit |
Jabra Direct | GN Group |
Octave | GNU Octave |
GOM Player | GOMLab |
PrintScreen | Gadwin |
PrintScreenPro | Gadwin |
Package Viewer | Garden Gnome |
BaseCamp | Garmin |
Express | Garmin |
GeoGebra Classic | GeoGebra |
Total Commander | Ghisler |
Total Commander DEU | Ghisler |
PeaZip | Giorgio Tani |
Git | Git |
GitHub Desktop | GitHub |
Glance | Glance Networks |
GlassWire | GlassWire |
TightVNC | GlavSoft |
Android Studio | |
Backup and Sync | |
Chrome | |
Drive for Desktop | |
Earth | |
Go | |
Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook | |
Picasa | |
XnView | Gougelet Pierre |
XnView DEU | Gougelet Pierre |
AusweisApp2 | Governikus |
Gpg4win | Gpg4win |
Active Reports.NET | GrapeCity |
ActiveReportsJS | GrapeCity |
Graphviz | Graphviz |
Greenfoot | Greenfoot |
Greenshot | Greenshot Team |
Adobe AIR SDK | HARMAN International |
Adobe AIR runtime | HARMAN International |
HP Image Assisstant | HP |
HotPotatoes | HalfBaked |
DiskLED | Helge Klein |
Textpad | Helios |
UltraEdit | IDM |
UltraEdit DEU | IDM |
VeraCrypt | IDRIX |
Simple One Stage CO2 Cycle | IPU |
IcedTeaWeb | IcedTeaWeb |
7-Zip | Igor Pavlov |
7-Zip DEU | Igor Pavlov |
ImageMagick | ImageMagick Studio |
Kodu Game Lab | InfiniteInstant |
InfraRecorder | |
Inkscape | Inkscape |
Macro Express 5 | Insight Software Solutions |
Macro Express Pro | Insight Software Solutions |
Intel Driver and support assistant | Intel |
Able2Extract | Investintech |
IrfanView | Irfan Skiljan |
Security Components | Isabel |
IZArc | Ivan Zahariev |
Drawio Desktop | JGraph |
SprintPlus | Jabbla |
TreeSize Free | Jam Software |
PSPad | Jan Fiala |
GridVis | Janitza |
Jasp | Jasp |
GoLand | JetBrains |
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate | JetBrains |
PhpStorm | JetBrains |
Pycharm Community | JetBrains |
dotTrace | JetBrains |
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition | Jetbrains |
PyCharm Professional | Jetbrains |
WebStorm | Jetbrains |
SuperPutty | Jim Radford |
Kinovea | Joan Charmant |
scenic view | JonathanGiles |
FreeCAD | Juergen Riegel |
Freemind | Jurg Muller |
GCompris | KDE |
K-Lite Codec Pack | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Basic | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Mega | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Standard | KLCP |
Analytics Platform | KNIME |
KLIC-viewer | Kadaster |
Meld | Kai Willadsen |
OpenWebStart | Karakun |
KeePassXC | KeePassXC Team |
TrackballWorks | Kensington |
KiCad | KiCad |
ZipCodeDiagram | KlausWessiepe |
Insomnia | Kong |
Calibre | Kovid Goyal |
Krita | Krita Foundation |
Sumatra PDF | Krzysztof Kowalczyk |
ElsterFormular | LFDThueringen |
Joplin | Laurent Cozic |
Screenpresso | Learnpulse |
Screenpresso DEU | Learnpulse |
Education SPIKE | Lego |
NXT | Lego |
WeDo 2.0 | Lego |
LibreCAD | LibreCAD |
Analyzer | LogTag |
Analyzer DEU | LogTag |
Logi Options+ | Logitech |
Logi Tune | Logitech |
Logitech Presentation | Logitech |
Options | Logitech |
Unifying Software | Logitech |
Lua | Lua |
CopyQ | Lukas Holecek |
M-Files 2018 | M-Files |
M-Files Online | M-Files |
mBlock | Makeblock |
MarcEdit | MarcEdit |
FreeCommander XE | Marek Jasinski |
VcXsrv | Marha |
ODBC driver | MarkLogic |
WinSCP | Martin Prikryl |
WinSCP DEU | Martin Prikryl |
Scratch 2 Offline Editor | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
Cinema4D | Maxon |
MediaInfo | MediaArea |
Shotcut | Meltytech |
Reference Manager | Mendeley |
.NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime | Microsoft |
.NET Core Hosting Bundle 6 | Microsoft |
.NET Core Hosting Bundle 7 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.7 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.8 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.8 DEU | Microsoft |
.NET SDK | Microsoft |
.Net Core Desktop Runtime | Microsoft |
Azure CLI | Microsoft |
Azure Cosmos DB Emulator | Microsoft |
Azure Data Studio | Microsoft |
Azure Information Protection Unified Labeling Client | Microsoft |
Azure Storage Explorer | Microsoft |
BGInfo | Microsoft |
Baseline Security Analyzer | Microsoft |
Dependency Agent | Microsoft |
Deployment Toolkit | Microsoft |
Dynamics 365 for Outlook | Microsoft |
Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook | Microsoft |
Edge | Microsoft |
EdgeWebView2Runtime | Microsoft |
ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server | Microsoft |
OLEDBDriver19ForSQLServer | Microsoft |
Office 2016 Language Pack ENU | Microsoft |
Office Word Viewer | Microsoft |
OneDrive | Microsoft |
Power Automate | Microsoft |
Power BI Report Builder | Microsoft |
Power Query for Excel | Microsoft |
PowerBi Desktop | Microsoft |
PowerShell | Microsoft |
PowerToys | Microsoft |
RDCManager | Microsoft |
Remote Desktop Client | Microsoft |
Remote Help | Microsoft |
ReportViewer | Microsoft |
SQL Server 2012 Native Client | Microsoft |
SQL Server LocalDB | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 16 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 17 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 18 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio DEU | Microsoft |
Silverlight | Microsoft |
Sysmon | Microsoft |
Teams | Microsoft |
Visio Compatibility Pack | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer 2010 | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer 2013 | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual J# | Microsoft |
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime | Microsoft |
Visual Studio Code | Microsoft |
XMLNotepad | Microsoft |
Yammer | Microsoft |
Mimecast for Outlook | Mimecaster Central |
Mocha TN3270 | MochaSoft |
Mocha TN3812 | MochaSoft |
Mocha TN5250 | MochaSoft |
Mocha Telnet | MochaSoft |
Compass | MongoDB |
Firefox | Mozilla |
Firefox DE | Mozilla |
Firefox ESR | Mozilla |
Firefox ESR DE | Mozilla |
SeaMonkey | Mozilla |
Thunderbird | Mozilla |
NSClient | MySolutionsNORDIC |
Iridium Browser | NETitwork |
NCPA | Nagios |
WinFsp | Naviamatics |
S3 Browser | NetSDK Software |
Infrastructure agent | New Relic |
mRemoteNG | Next Generation Software |
mRemoteNG DEU | Next Generation Software |
Nextcloud | Nextcloud |
Mu Editor | Nicholas H.Tollervey |
PDF Pro Business | Nitro |
PDF Pro Enterprise | Nitro |
PDF Pro NLS | Nitro |
NoMachine | NoMachine |
Node.js | Nodejs Foundation |
Node.js LTS | Nodejs Foundation |
Dependency Check | OWASP |
Obsidian | Obsidian |
folge | Oleksii Sribnyi |
Speedtest | Ookla |
OBS Studio | Open Broadcaster Software |
4K Video Downloader | Open Media |
Open-Shell | Open-Shell |
OpenLens | OpenLens |
OpenShot Video | OpenShot |
OpenVPN | OpenVPN |
OpenVPN Connect | OpenVPN |
Opera Web Browser | Opera |
Instant Client | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 11 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 17 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 20 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 21 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 8 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 6 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 7 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 8 | Oracle |
MySQL Community Server | Oracle |
MySQL Connector ODBC | Oracle |
MySQL Workbench | Oracle |
ODAC 21c | Oracle |
VirtualBox6 | Oracle |
VirtualBox7 | Oracle |
Visual VM | Oracle |
PCF Software | PCF |
INTUS RemoteConf | PCS Systemtechnik |
INTUS RemoteConf DEU | PCS Systemtechnik |
Creo View Express | PTC |
Parallels Client | Parallels International |
TranslatorX | Paul Giralt |
PicPick | PicPick |
Pidgin | Pidgin |
CCleaner | Piriform |
Recuva | Piriform |
Hub Software | Plantronics |
Poll Everywhere | Poll Everywhere |
RealPresence Desktop | Polycom |
Quarto | Posit Software |
PGAdmin4 | Postgre SQL Community |
odbc | PostgreSQL |
Postman | Postman |
Anyburn Free | Power Software |
Anyburn Pro | Power Software |
ProID middleware | ProID |
Puppet | Puppet |
Python-3 | Python Software Foundation |
R for Windows | R Core Team |
WinRar | RARLAB |
RStudio | RStudio Team |
Rainmeter | Rainmeter |
ideaMaker | Raise3D |
PDFreactor | RealObjects |
RealVNC Server | RealVNC |
RealVNC Viewer | RealVNC |
USBEthernetController | Realtek |
Redshift | Redshift |
ReluxDesktop | Relux Informatik |
RingCentral | RingCentral |
Snapform Viewer | Ringler Informatik |
RVTools | Robware |
DatePicker | SAMRADAPPS |
Studio | SQLite |
Iron | SRWare |
eduVPN | SURF |
Tableau Desktop | Salesforce |
Tableau Public | Salesforce |
Tableau Reader | Salesforce |
sbt | Scala Center |
Beyond Compare 4 | Scooter |
BarTender | Seagull Scientific |
SSL VPN Client | Securepoint |
ShareX | ShareX |
GoodSync | Siber Systems |
Signal | Signal |
Visual Analyser | Sillanumsoft |
Programmers Notepad | Simon Steele |
PuTTY | Simon Tatham |
Skype | Skype Technologies |
Slack | Slack Technologies |
Slic3r | Slic3r |
ReadyAPI | SmartBear |
SmartFTP x64 | SmartSoft |
Snowflake odbc Driver | Snowflake Computing |
Network Scanner | SoftPerfect |
LDAP Administrator | Softerra |
LDAP Browser | Softerra |
LDAP Browser DEU | Softerra |
doPDF | Softland |
FreePDF | Softmaker |
FreePDF DE | Softmaker |
ARIS Express | Software |
NetExtender | Sonicwall |
Entreprise Architect | Sparx |
Spotify | Spotify |
Spyder | Spyder Project |
MOOSProjectViewer | StandBySoft |
MOOSProjectViewerLight | StandBySoft |
RationalPlan Viewer | StandBySoft |
grepWin | Stefans Tools |
Stellarium | Stellarium |
Perl | Strawberry |
Sublime Text 3 | Sublime Team |
Sublime Text 4 | Sublime Team |
Syncplicity | Syncplicity |
Junction | Sysinternals |
Business Connect Phone | TELUS |
Bulk Rename Utility | TGRMN Software |
App-V Manage | TMurgent Technologies |
Colour Contrast Analyser | TPGi |
Tabular Editor | Tabular Editor |
Tailscale | Tailscale |
TeXnicCenter | TeXnicCenter Team |
TeamViewer | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer DEU | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer Host | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer QS | TeamViewer |
JumpToWindows | TechHit |
Snagit | TechSmith |
Camtasia Studio | TechSmith Corporation |
One X | Telenor |
Qidian | Tencent |
TIM | Tencent |
TencentMeeting | Tencent |
Tencent Technology | |
Tencent, Inc | |
Terminals | Terminals-Origin |
TSPrint Client | Terminalworks |
TSPrint Server | Terminalworks |
ComfortSoftwareBasic | Testo |
ComfortSoftwareBasic DEU | Testo |
TI-Admin | Texas Instruments |
TI-SmartView for the TI-84 Plus Family | Texas Instruments |
TextExpander | TextExpander |
Tftpd64 | Tftpd64 |
SafeNetAuthenticationClient | Thales |
HandBrake | The HandBrake Team |
Jamovi | The Jamovi Project |
Scribus | The Scribus Team |
WinMerge DEU | Thingamahoochie |
Winmerge | Thingamahoochie |
Thonny | Thonny |
FileZilla Client | Tim Kosse |
FileZilla Client DEU | Tim Kosse |
FileZilla Server | Tim Kosse |
ghostwriter | Toolsandmore |
SVN | Tortoise |
TortoiseGit | TortoiseGit |
PDF-XChange | Tracker |
PDFXChangeViewer | Tracker |
PDFXChangeViewer DEU | Tracker |
RINEX Converter | Trimble |
SketchUp Viewer | Trimble |
SketchUp | Trimble Navigation |
Player | Tulip |
Tux Paint | Tux Paint |
Authy Desktop | Twilio |
Cura | Ultimaker |
UltraVNC Viewer | UltraVNC |
Unity | Unity Technologies |
Untis | Untis |
VEXcode EXP | VEX |
Horizon Client | VMware |
PDFsam Basic | Vacondio |
BlueJeans | Verizon |
Logger Lite | Vernier |
saml2aws | Versent |
Master | Veyon |
VLC Media Player DEU | VideoLAN |
VLC media player | VideoLAN |
Visual Paradigm | Visual Paradigm |
Vivaldi | Vivaldi |
Vrex Viewer | Vixel |
SQLyog Community | Webyog Softworks |
MuseScore | Werner Schweer |
Wire | Wire |
Wireshark | Wireshark |
Charles | XK72 |
XMind | XMind |
Nexusfont | Xiles |
Client AD | Xink |
XnConvert | XnSoft |
Yabe | Yabe |
Yealink USB Connect | Yealink |
Linkus | Yeastar |
YubiKey Manager | Yubico |
Zimbra Desktop | Zimbra |
WorkDrive TrueSync | Zoho |
Plugin for Vmware Horizon Client | Zoom |
Plugin for WVD/AVD | Zoom |
Workplace | Zoom |
Zoom Plugin for VDI | Zoom |
ZAC | Zultys |
Etcher | balena |
hrping | cfosSoftware |
Royal TS | code4ward |
Drofus | dRofus |
Todoist | doist |
Paint.NET | dotPDN |
eLearning | eXe Project |
PDF24 Creator | geek software |
Converter | iMazing |
InstEd | instedit |
Cyberduck | iterate GmbH |
LosslessCut | mifi |
Client | ownCloud |
PDFCreator Free | pdfforge |
UltraMon | realtimesoft |
scrcpy | rom1V |
sellyApps | sellysolutions |
Everything | voidtools |
Bereit für die Verteilung
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Internetzugang und ein moderner Browser wie Chrome, Firefox oder Edge sind die einzigen Voraussetzungen, um Catalogue nutzen zu können.

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Seit unserer Gründung 2003 hat Apptimized hunderte Kunden aus allen Branchen weltweit unterstützt. Finden Sie eine Auswahl unserer Kunden, die bereits von unserer Expertise profitiert haben, im folgenden Abschnitt.