Connect ServiceNow to Apptimized


Integrate with industry leading business process platform

Apptimized can now connect with the ServiceNow automated business process platform.

Apptimized Release 6.2.3 supports the ability to receive requests, media and documentation directly from ServiceNow, as well as feedback status reports and send the final deliverable back to the end user via ServiceNow.

The ServiceNow functionality is one of the many enhancements and improvements constantly being made to the Apptimized cloud-based application packaging platform.

Also included in Release 6.2.3 is the ability for an application packaging engineer using the Apptimized cloud-based application packaging tool to seamlessly raise a packaging request on the Apptimized Packaging Factory.

We have received numerous requests from customers and prospects who want to integrate our toolset with ServiceNow to deliver a fantastic end-user experience.
Mathias Baumann
Apptimized CTO

For more information contact us here or call us on +44 (0) 118 405 0044 or +1 425 748 5017.

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