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Enhancing Security and Productivity with MDM and MAM
The Role of MDM and MAM in Modern Enterprises  In today’s digital age, ensuring both…
Notarization Process for macOS installers
Notarization for macOS installers is a security measure implemented by Apple to verify the legitimacy…
The Main Difference Between macOS Applications on Intel and ARM Architectures
With all advantages and extensive functionality, macOS has recently risen to become one of the…
Ultimate Patch Management Service Launch: Meet Apptimized Care
Businesses of all branches embrace innovative solutions to keep everything running smoothly as they  expand and…
Intunewin Packaging Overview: how to create and deploy Intunewin packages with Apptimized packaging environment?
Previously, we described app packaging capabilities for the Microsoft Intune ecosystem. It's time to deepen…
Erwägenswerte Software-Paketierungstrends im Jahr 2021. Von beliebten Anwendungen bis hin zu Bereitstellungssystemen.
Zahlen können überzeugend sein. Trends sind immer spannend. Deshalb haben wir sie zusammengetragen, um zu…
Anwendungspaketierung und -bereitstellung für macOS in einfachen Worten
Wenn Sie noch kein Mac-Benutzer sind, ist dieser Artikel ein guter Ausgangspunkt, um die Verpackung…
Intune packaging with Apptimized
Every company needs to keep personal and corporate data secure and safe. At the same…
Windows 11 OS: What will be the impact on application packaging? Our Big Update experience and tips for packaging specialists.
Microsoft recently officially announced Windows 11, the next version of its desktop operating system. The…
Application Packaging & Virtualization Overview: how to repackage App-V packaging format?
See the third part about application virtualization from the Application Packaging & Virtualization Overview series,…
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