Ultimate Patch Management Service Launch: Meet Apptimized Care

Businesses of all branches embrace innovative solutions to keep everything running smoothly as they  expand and adapt.

Nowadays, it is  essential to keep pace with the latest technologies and to save time for further development and improvement of business. Increase convenience with our newly presented service. “Apptimized Care” helps your apps packages to be always up to date with no manual efforts. Investigate all the application packaging opportunities with Apptimized.

Apptimized can take Care of all your apps and make it possible to get possibilities from one service. Our 20+ years of experience ensure users with qualitative, fast, and seamless packaging. A team of experts will assure you of the highest quality services with constant support at any step of the working process with Care. 


Care is a fantastic example of an innovative solution that streamlines manual tasks and automates operations to keep everything running efficiently. Care, which is based on the Apptimized Platform, provides user-friendly collaboration between  all participants through the whole workflow, which helps users to save time and to increase convenience while using the service. 

care autopackaging

A fully automated patch management service allows our customers to automatically receive the release of new versions of application packages and information about them in the shortest terms . There are new packaging and testing services that work without human participation. Our users can see the efficiency and high quality of the service—from updating applications to uploading finished packages—thanks to the diligent work of our specialists.  

sccm intune care

SCCM and Intune integration allows users y to get the application in the deployment system,  without exiting the portal. More than 650 applications are available, and a user can also request extra applications if needed. 

There are two supported targeted platforms: Win32 and Win64, giving more opportunities in using Care.

care benefits


  • Care has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy and pleasant to work with. An interactive user “Getting Started” guide and a complete “User manual” are also included.
  • Care is a fully cloud-based service, making it much more convenient for seamless productivity.
  • Care has 24/5 support, and our professionals are ready to help with any problem.
  • A user gets the most recent app updates packaged immediately to keep you secure and compliant.
  • Microsoft Azure provides 100% security.


  • Choose the apps you want to work with.

It is also possible to request extra apps if needed. Just enter the required data and press ”Request”.

  • Choose an appropriate bitness and format. Release it to SCCM or Intune easily or simply download the PSADT version of a package.

It will take some minutes to get your apps ready!

Our professionals are available 24/5 to help with any questions and provide more information about Care service. 

Interested? Schedule a call with Apptimized’s experts.

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