CloudHouse your apps with Apptimized

Apptimized partnership with Cloudhouse

Apptimized is pleased to announce that we have partnered with CloudHouse Technologies and can now support and deliver CloudHouse containerization alongside MSI, App-V, ThinApp, iOS and all major packaging and technology formats.

Same Cost – More Opportunities

Apptimized customers are now able to process CloudHouse Containers for the same low fixed cost as MSI, App-V, ThinApp and iOS application packages.

Save Your Time with CloudHouse Containers

With Cloudhouse Containers, apps only need to be packaged once in containers that handle application runtime, isolation, and full redirection.

As a result, enterprises can complete Windows 10 or Citrix XenApp migration projects successfully, reduce end user computing infrastructure by up to 50 percent, and IT teams spend less time packaging apps and managing compatibility issues.

For more information about CloudHouse, visit their website here.

To find out how Apptimized can support your CloudHouse project, contact us here or give us a call on +44 (0) 1184 050044.

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