
Revacom GmbH

Grünstraße 12
D-14482 Potsdam
T. +49 (0)331 23603839
F. +49 (0)331 97991810
Amtsgericht Potsdam / HRB 16947P / USt.-IdNr.: DE228368176
Geschäftsführer: Henry Jonas
Deutsche Bank / BLZ: 100 700 24 / Kto.: 5 566 278 00
IBAN: DE13 1007 0024 0556 6278 00 / SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER

Apptimized GmbH

Grünstraße 12
D-14482 Potsdam
T. +49 (0)331 9799180
F. +49 (0)331 97991810
Amtsgericht Potsdam / HRB 29349P / USt.-IdNr.: DE309065351
Geschäftsführer: Christiane Jonas
Deutsche Bank / BLZ: 100 700 24 / Kto.: 3 388 469 00
IBAN: DE88 1007 0024 0338 8469 00 / SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER

Apptimized Schweiz GmbH

Neuhofstrasse 5A
CH-6340 Baar
T. +41 (0)41 544 77 60
Kanton Zug / CH- / MwSt.-Nr.: CHE-115.413.222
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Bolliger
UBS AG Zürich / Kto.: 0206-451684.01E
IBAN: CH58 0020 6206 4516 8401E / SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A

Apptimized Software Limited

2 Fountain Court
Victoria Square, St. Albans
Hertfordshire, AL1 3TF
T. +44 (0) 118 405 0044
Registered in England / Company Nr. 07413225 / VAT: GB247841875
Managing Director: Henry Jonas
HSBC Bank / Sort code: 401160 / Account number: 80777226
IBAN: GB44 HBUK 4011 6080 7772 26 / SWIFT: HBUKGB4194R

Apptimized Limited

2 Fountain Court
Victoria Square, St. Albans
Hertfordshire, AL1 3TF
T. +44 (0) 118 405 0044
Registered in England / Company Nr. 10286124
Managing Director: Henry Jonas
HSBC Bank / Sort code: 403804 / Account number: 94764838
IBAN: GB76 HBUK 4038 0494 7648 38 / SWIFT: HBUKGB4B

Apptimized Operations LLC

Metalurhiv St. 32
40021 Sumy, Ukraine
T. +380 (0)89 120 52 59
Managing Director: Bohdan Antypenko
PJSC CB / Account: 26001055012116
IBAN: UA97 3375 4600 0002 6001 0550 1211 6 / SWIFT: PBANUA2X

Apptimized Operations Sp.z.o.o

Biedrzyckiego-Str. 17/1
60-272 Poznań, Poland
Region: 381602258, NIP: 7831790445
Managing Director: Henry Jonas
IngDiba Bank / BLZ: 100 700 24 / Kto.:3 394 780 00
IBAN: PL59 1050 1520 1000 0090 3197 4927, SWIFT: INGBPLPW

Apptimized Inc

2018, 156th Ave NE
Suite 100, Building F
Bellevue WA 98007
United Sates of America
Registered in Delaware / File nr 5481984
Managing Director: Henry Jonas
First American Bank / Routing (ABA) number071922777 / Account number 7814044701


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