Embedding Apptimized functionality into your workflow management system is now possible via API

Manage application lifecycle management via API

Business software is vital for many companies worldwide, regardless of the industry sector. Why? Managing workflow systems helps to streamline business processes, providing room to manoeuvring and control enterprise workloads. At the same time, companies strive to organize management workflows and make it as flexible and convenient as possible for interacting with internal and external users like customers, partners or suppliers. These reasons alone leave businesses searching for solutions that are scalable enough to cover their current needs, reduce time-consuming procedures, and implement new functions.

In other words, the main questions facing management teams nowadays can be:

  • How can your workflow management system be streamlined and relevant to your business needs?
  • How can external users be engaged without the need for third-party tools and multiple logins?
  • How can functionality and scalability be increased to an existing web-based business software?

What is Apptimized API & Jira Plugin?

We’ve listened to our customers, by providing the Apptimized platform with a user-friendly workflow system, features, and advanced functionality for delivering ready-to-deploy application packages to the largest businesses across all sectors. Depending on business needs, our users can use solutions like application packaging tool or application factory service, which help to regulate and speed up the processes of application logistics.

To make Apptimized more flexible and accessible, we’ve developed a public API that enables the implementation of Apptimized functionality into your workflow systems like Jira, ServiceNow, etc.

So, the API implementation happens smoothly and to show you how it works in practice, Apptimized developers have create a Jira plugin project. It shows how Apptimized looks when integrated with one of the most usable software management tools that help to adjust, track, and prioritize tasks. You can manage your applications directly in Jira and, at the same time, use Apptimized solutions for discovery (creating installation documentation), packaging and testing application packages.

The implementation is quite simple and doesn’t require specific steps like permissions, additional licenses or installing third-party applications. The only thing you need is to enable Apptimized “interact” with your business management system and choose functions you want to use in the project.

The main steps to integrate Apptimized API in Jira Plugin are quite simple.

Consequently, your preferred Apptimized functionality will be automatically adopted into your Jira interface.

The main Apptimized API & Jira Plugin advantages

  • Efficiency. We want to prevent users from the inconvenience of switching from one system to another and allow you to adjust Apptimized functionality in your own software environment. Don’t waste time on training IT staff on how to use new software from scratch and, therefore, avoid laborious tasks.
  • Security. There is no need to worry about data; everything you do in your system is carefully backed up in Apptimized. All the changes will also be displayed automatically in your Apptimized portfolio.
  • Flexibility. Manage application lifecycle management in the interface you’ve got used to using. At the same time, you’ll always have an option to migrate to Apptimized completely. The integration is possible with the systems like CRM, BPM, ERP. The only requirement is your device that has an Internet connection.

You don’t use Jira, but other management systems?

Apptimized has developed this API, so the integration of Apptimized functionality is not dependent on the type of system you use. Come to that, where you host, and whether you work with a web-based or a specific tool for delivering packages, the API will ensure you gain all the benefits of Apptimized.

For further information, please contact us here or call us on +44 (0)1184 050044 

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