Advanced software packaging services and comprehensive technical support from Apptimized on-site professionals

application packaging and distribution

The Customer

The Berlin Senate, which has overall responsibility for the state which includes the German Capital. The Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing is one of ten specialist administrations of the Berlin Senate. The Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing is responsible for questions relating to housing construction, rental policy, urban planning and development as well as spatial planning in the German capital. The Senate Administration is made up of eight divisions with 43 departments.

Section Z IT is one of 43 departments of the Senate Administration which is a central and important component of the Senate. Due to its size and efficiency, it currently performs higher-level service tasks for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection as well as subordinate authorities and institutions.

The Goals: software packaging & Windows OS support

The Berlin Senate required support to manage tasks including the maintenance of the client OS image, application packaging and software distribution. It is vital that not only the supplier brings in-depth specialist knowledge but also an ability to further develop and advance the processes and efficiency. Since 2007 the Senate Administration has engaged on-site support from Apptimized (formerly Revacom GmbH when the engagement started).

The Solution: software packaging consulting

The commitment takes place on site in the form of on-site consulting. The tasks assigned to us have become more extensive and varied in the course of the last few years in view of the trusting partnership. They can be divided into the following subject areas:

Daily business:

  • Client OS Image Engineering (Microsoft Windows XP, 7 and 10)
  • Application packaging and distribution for / with Microfocus Zenworks Configuration Management (until 2019)
  • Application packaging and distribution for / with Baramundi Management Suite (since 2018)
  • 3rd level support applications and operating system
  • Support for problems with the update distribution (Baramundi Management Suite / WSUS)
  • PowerShell scripting for advanced software distribution (PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit), client analysis and support
  • Active Directory technical support

Further development:

  • Development of architectures around the modern workplace, evaluation and implementation of new technologies
  • Development and support of the distribution of Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU)
  • Development and support of client control using Windows Group Policy

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